Installing GloboNetworkAPI WebUI

Using pre-configured VM

In order to use the pre-configured VM you need to have vagrant <> and VirtualBox <> installed in your machine.

After that, go to the directory you want to install and do:

git clone
cd GloboNetworkAPI-WebUI
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant up

After this you’ll have the WebUI running on

Installing from scratch

Following examples were based on CentOS 7.0.1406 installation.

All root passwords were configured to “default”.

Create a specific User/Group

useradd -m -U webui
passwd webui
        webui      ALL=(ALL)       ALL

sudo mkdir /opt/app/
sudo chmod 777 /opt/app/

Download Code

Download GloboNetworkAPI code from Globocom GitHub.

In this example we are downloading code to /opt/app/:

sudo yum install git
cd /opt/app/
git clone

We are exporting this variable below to better document the install process:

export WEBUI_FOLDER=/opt/app/GloboNetworkAPI-WebUI/
echo "export WEBUI_FOLDER=/opt/app/GloboNetworkAPI-WebUI/" >> ~/.bashrc

Create a VirtualEnv

sudo yum install python-virtualenv
sudo easy_install pip
virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/webui_env
source ~/virtualenvs/webui_env/bin/activate
echo "source ~/virtualenvs/webui_env/bin/activate" >> ~/.bashrc

Install Dependencies

You will need the following packages in order to install the next python packages via pip:

sudo yum install gcc
yum install openldap-devel

Install the packages listed on $WEBUI_FOLDER/requirements.txt file:

pip install -r $WEBUI_FOLDER/requirements.txt

Create a inside your /path/to/lib/python2.X folder with the following content:

import sys
echo -e "import sys\nsys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')\n" > ~/virtualenvs/webui_env/lib/python2.7/

Install Memcached

You can run memcached locally or you can set file variable CACHES{default{LOCATION to use a remote memcached farm in file $WEBUI_FOLDER/

In case you need to run locally:

sudo yum install memcached
sudo systemctl start memcached
sudo systemctl enable memcached

HTTP Server Configuration

For a better performance, install Green Unicorn to run NetworkAPI.

pip install gunicorn

There is no need to install a nginx or apache to proxy pass the requests, once there is no static files in the API.

Edit $WEBUI_FOLDER/ to use your log files location and user preferentes and run gunicorn:

gunicorn wsgi:application

Install CVS

You will need the JDK software in order to install CVS

sudo yum install java-x-openjdk.x86_64

Set the JAVA_HOME variable with the path to java folder


Download CVS software

sudo yum install cvs

Uncomment and set the variable CVS_JAVA_HOME in

Run cvs

Put the following command in .bashrc

export CVSROOT=:pserver:<user>@<host>:/<path>

Folder: GloboNetworkAPI-WebUI/Cadvlan/ACLS:

cvs checkout <repo>/ACLS

Test installation

Try to access the root location of the API:


This should take you the login page.

LDAP Server Configuration

If you want to use LDAP authentication, configure the following variables in FILE:


Working with Documentation

If you want to generate documentation, you need the following python modules installed:

pip install sphinx==1.2.2
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme==0.1.6
pip install pytest==2.2.4